Sunday, May 24, 2009

It Goes Hand-In-Hand

Today I was noticing a trend. Is it just me, or since the release of the ever-so-memorable Twilight cover, have there been more and more books in the newly formed tradition of unfocused backgrounds and hands that hold things in the foreground, especially in fantasy. I guess the only way to really make this clear is to give examples. And there are plenty of them.

All the same, I am loving the cover of The Awakening. The colors are beautiful, especially with that blue jewel right in the middle. In other cover news, I was stunned by the sheer creativity and difference between the covers of the latest Gone book (Hunger) by Michael Grant and the previous title in the series. That was sarcasm. Sorry. I think I'll have to work on that.


Deep. All the same, I'm still looking forward to reading Hunger. I really liked the first one, nothing deep, but a solid and fun adventureish read. Has anyone else noticed any trends in cover-dom?


Amy said...

i agree. There's been tons of trends in the using of you pointed out.
Btw, I really want to read gone and hunger-they look really great!