Thursday, April 16, 2009

Bloodhound by Tamora Pierce

First review. Okay. Fingers go.

Tamora Pierce is amazing. Yes. That statement is as much a warning as a fact because I AM one of those Alanna-Cooper-Daine-Alianne fangirls. I have been Tortall obsessed since I was just a wee one. I recommend getting the background on those books and reading the first Beka Cooper book (Terrier) before going after this one. But you'll want to get around to it eventually because it is pretty fantastic.

Beka Cooper, ancestor of everyone's favorite Rogue, has returned to the dark backstreets for more head thumping and villain tracking. But the crime in Tortall is worse than ever and a new batch of suspicious activity is coming forward. It appears as if there is counterfeit in the cities, shaking the treasury to its roots. Beka, joined by her new scent finding dog Achoo, is off to a foreign city where she finds assassins, first love, and a nasty Rogue who could stand to feel the club of Lord Provost's hardest young dog.

I can assume that you've already guessed my opinion on this. Excellent action. Fantastic characters. Hilarious and well thought out dialogue. Plus plenty of plot twists I wasn't expecting at all. I have been disappointed by Pierce before *cough* rarely *cough*, but this is not one of those times. Bloodhound has met my expectations and more. Be sure to grab yourself a copy when it comes out April 28th! I'm only hoping the final cover is alot prettier.

A rating system is in order I guess. But I don't really have anything at the moment. Um. Er. Well. Perhaps I will steal the number of another blog and rate out of seven, which coincidentally, is an excellent number. I hope the Maelstrom doesn't mind...

6 out of 7 Broken Q Keys.


Anonymous said...

I'm insanely jealous that you have this. I <3 everyone Pierce has written. (The Immortals is my favorite, though.)

And to answer the question left on my blog, The Guardian has been released.

QueenB said...

omg you are so lucky. it doesn't come out till the 1st of may and i can't even get it that day cause of work. i absolutly love Tamora Pierce books, especialy Alianna's story.